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Amazing Benefits Just From Shower: Part 1 - Hot

Bathing is an essential part of a healthy routine, sometimes it's amazing how much benefit we can get from such little things, but it also depends on the temperature. The time spent under the water can offer some wonderful benefits. Taking a good soak in a hot bath is one of these things. Soaking in hot water is more powerful than one might think and has a few definite health benefits to be gained.

Benefits of Hot Shower

  • Improves blood circulation
Dipping the body in hot water to the neck is a kind of exercise for your blood vessels. This is because water creates physical pressure on the body and so increases the capacity of our heart. When we're inside the water, the heart works faster and stronger. A few dips a week is an excellent work out for your heart.

  • Helps us fall asleep
Hot water relaxes the body and better prepares us for falling asleep. When a tensed body enters a warm bath, the hot water increases the body temperature and relaxes the muscles. Relaxing the muscles not only helps us relax physically, but also mentally.
Be attentive to your body so you don't fall asleep in the bath and limit your stay to no more than 20 minutes.

  • Staying in shape
Over-stretched Muscles, small sports injuries and even joint pain can be relieved with a (clean) hot bath, which is the perfect ending to physical activity. 
  • Lowers our blood pressure
A recent study has shown that soaking in a hot bath can lower your blood pressure. This is a great system for those heart conditions that have to watch out for spikes in their blood pressure. 
If you do have a heart condition then first, of course, consult your doctor, because a hot bath will also raise the rate of your heartbeat. If they say it's ok, then it's a great way of bringing down your blood pressure.

  • Losing weight
Another study has indicated that people who suffer from diabetes and soak in a hot tub on a regular basis are able to reduce their levels of sugar and glucose in the blood. The study found that soaking in a hot bath for about 20-30 minutes, 6 days a week, made participants lose almost 2.5 pounds (2 kilos) a month as compared to the control group.

  • Cleaning the skin
Fact says a shower is cleaner than a bath, but then a good soak in hot water after a shower can open up the pores in our skin and if the water is clean then they can come in and clean some of the dirt and toxins in our skin. The result is a fresh feeling and cleaner skin

  • Reducing headaches
Most types of headaches are caused by the narrowing of blood vessels in the head. The positive effect of the hot water on our blood vessels can be used to alleviate the pressure on those blood vessels and cure our headache

  • Helps our cough and flu symptoms
The hot steam of a hot bath can dry out the mucus accumulating in our throat, which is one of the most common reasons for ongoing coughing. In addition, a hot bath can also alleviate symptoms of the flu. Taking a 10-15 minute hot-soak-break can really help you feel better while your body is getting rid of the disease. 

  • Moisturises our skin

Warm water leaves the skin moist for longer, and so prevents it from drying up and getting those little cracks that often appear when it's dry.


Despite all the advantages, a regular soak in a hot bath is not recommended for everyone.

1. For those with a heart condition, consult with your doctor about taking hot baths.

2. You should take something cold to drink with you, because of sweat in a hot bath and one gets dehydrated.

3. Pregnant women are not advised to take hot baths.